Back Pain? Try these Simple Stretches at Home

Back Pain? Try these Simple Stretches at Home

For a Healthy Morning Routine Back Pain? Try These Stretches 😍 Do them in the morning after waking up. Hold each pose for 30 to 90 seconds and perform on both sides if needed. 1. Lying Glute Stretch2. Seated Straight Back3. Lying Spinal Twist4. Seated 

The Art of Endurance Training: How To Set SMART Goals and Stay Motivated

The Art of Endurance Training: How To Set SMART Goals and Stay Motivated

The Art of Endurance Many of my friends admire my consistency when it comes to training. They think it’s funny when I do my resistance band exercises in the early morning before a race and get up half an hour earlier for this. For me 

Diastasis Recti: How to Diagnose and Heal Yourself?

Diastasis Recti: How to Diagnose and Heal Yourself?

What is Diastasis Recti? You might have heard of the term Diastasis Recti. But what is it and why is it so important? The easiest definition for Diastasis Recti is ab separation around the midline of your stomach. After childbirth, your body will try to 

Post C-section Recovery

Post C-section Recovery

How to build strength again post-partum? When can you start exercising again after a C-section? Exercising and breastfeeding Post c-section-friendly core exercises to try at home How to Build Strength again Post-partum? When you are pregnant and soon-to-be-mommy, you probably focus on how to stay 

Strength for Endurance – HIIT and Strength Circuit (25min)

Strength for Endurance – HIIT and Strength Circuit (25min)

Goal: core stabilization, strength and muscular endurance For beginning athletes it’s super important to learn about the importance of a strong core. Strength training will help you with building muscular endurance and make you faster on your swims, rides and runs. Therefore, this HIIT and 

Strength for Endurance – 5min Warm-up

Strength for Endurance – 5min Warm-up

The importance of strength training for endurance athletes, it’s a topic that has been discussed more than once. However, as a triathlete and personal trainer, I learned that it’s hard for non-professional endurance athletes to incorporate regular strength work outs into their training schedules. This